Loan & rent items

You don’t need to own everything yourself! In Rentukka we have loads of items to loan & rent. We have cleaning equipment, tools and all kinds of fun stuff for free time activities. In Rentukka Lobby you can now find a loan item machine, where you can rent various items from sewing machines to textile cleaners and tools.

The machine is operated through the Lainappi app. This way, you can easily borrow items by picking them up from the machine whenever it suits your timetable.

Link opens in a new tab.

Instructions for Renting

  1. Download Lainappi to your mobile device
  2. Select the “Rent from Box only” option on the landing page and type “Soihtu” in the
    search field to browse the selection from this box.
  3. Go to the item listing you want to rent and press “Rent”. You can schedule the rental for
    your desired timeframe.
  4. Once your rental reservation is confirmed, you can open the box directly from the app.
  5. You can return the item at any time within the rental period by opening the box through
    the app.

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