A possible exposure to Corona virus in the sauna of Kortepohja Student Village building A on MONDAY 18.1.
A person with Corona virus has visited the sauna of the Kortepohja Student Village building A on Monday 18.1.2021. Soihtu has received the information from the officials performing the Corona tracing. Soihtu has not received more exact information about the duration of the visit nor spaces that the person with Corona virus has entered so as not to compromise the protection of personal identity.
Please remember to move outside the home only when entirely healthy and remember to keep safety distance and maintain good hand hygiene. Wear a mask if it’s possible and avoid crowds. Follow regional guidelines and restrictions for meetings, as well as the recommendations of the health officials.
Link to the updated Soihtu article on Corona virus
EDIT 22.1.2021 at 18:23. Mistake on the weekday in the heading and main text was corrected.
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