The management of parking places will be changed to the eParking system

The parking spaces of Soihtu will be rented in the eParking system. eParking is an electronic parking control system which can be used for paying the rent of a parking space. The eParking system will be put into operation on 1st of May, 2022. The current renters will be offered their former parking spaces at the end of April. The renters must confirm their parking space reservation in the given time. If you have a parking space now but not received an email about the confirmation from eParking, please remember to check your junk mail folder.

From now on, the renters can choose and rent the parking space themselves via eParking at any time of the day. The parking space will no longer be charged with the apartment rent invoice. Instead, the parking space fee can be paid in the eParking system.

The parked car’s registration number must be correct in the eParking system because the parking control is based on scanning the registration plate. It is possible to add several car registration numbers to the same parking space.

If you have the parking space at the moment:

If you have earlier applied a parking space from Soihtu’s online reservation system:

eParking customer service:
tel. +358 3 4108 9272

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