Soihtu Rents exceptional opening hours

Soihtu Rents is closed from Fri 22 – Tue 26 Dec. Wed 27 – Fri 29.12. we will not be available at the office, but can be contacted normally by e-mail and phone Wed and Fri 10-12. Mon 1.1.2024 closed. 

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Sustainable Village event in Rentukka 14.5.2024

, , , / 29.4.2024

On Tuesday, May 14, 2024, an event focused on circular economy and sustainable living will be organized at Kortepohja Student Village. The event will feature bicycle maintenance, a yard flea market, sustainable urban gardening, workshops, and...

The power duo of events 

, , , , / 26.4.2024

Text: Anni Pajari | Pictures: Tiina Salminen, Tiitu Design Almost all events in the Kortepohja Student Village are organized by the Tenants’ Committee. The Committee is made up of active villagers who want to be involved in creating a sense of...

Under the stars 

, , / 23.4.2024

Text: Jenna Pigg | Pictures: Tiina Salminen, Tiitu Design When asked Jonna Klinga, cleaning supervisor of Soihtu, her favorite place is the family cottage in Rutalahti, near Leivonmäki National Park. It has been an important place for Jonna...