Coronavirus testing in Kortepohja on Saturday 6.2.

Because of the worse coronavirus situation, the City of Jyväskylä will organise coronavirus testing in Kortepohja on Saturday, 6 February 2021, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The testing place is a separate facility in the Kortesuo day-care centre, address Taitoniekantie 9 E. For many Soihtu Housing tenants, this is better known as the Kortepohja Student Village building E.

The testing is for persons who suspect a coronavirus infection. No appointments are needed, but please avoid using public transport. Please keep safe distances and use a face mask when arriving to the test.

The Kortepohja testing point is meant primarily for students who live in the area, and for those who have difficulties to go to the testing point in Killeri.

“We recommend other people to make a symptom assessment at and, when necessary, go to a test,” says health services manager Hanna Vihavainen from the city of Jyväskylä. “The Killeri testing point serves also in weekends and is handy if you have a car.”

If you suspect a coronavirus infection, you can also call the info number 014 266 0133 (Mon–Fri at 8–16 and Sat–Sun at 9–15, in other times the number 116 117). The necessity of testing will be assessed and you will be guided to testing.

The coronavirus testings on different areas are organized by the City of Jyväskylä. The Kortepohja testing is a part of the Jyväskylä strategy: since last week, the growing number of infections has led to increase in contacts to health care and symptom estimations made in Jyväskylä. Especially contacts from students have increased.

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