Green Week campaign coming to the housing locations of Soihtu 20th of November⁠

⁠A team of communication students from the University of Jyväskylä is organizing the Green Week campaign together with the Sovatek Foundation on 18.-22.11.2024. By participating in the campaign, you support the Sovatek Foundation’s rehabilitation and social work⁠

In the campaign, you can donate extra items, furniture and clothes conveniently and easily. The Sovatek van will arrive according to the schedule below at places close to students, where you can bring good conditioned donations. The opportunity to donate is brought directly to campuses! ⁠

The donation campaign donation schedules in our housing locations:⁠

Wednesday 20.11.⁠
14.00-15.30 – Korttelikylä⁠
16.30-18 – Kortepohja Student Village⁠

For more information about the campaign, visit Instagram @sovatek.secondhand !

If you donate furniture or large items, inform us by filling this form so we can make the necessary arrangements

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