Fiber optic network coming – Terms of tenancy to be updated

JYY (Soihtu) and fiber optic company Lounea have agreed to build a network connection for Soihtu’s housing properties. This change at the turn of 2024-2025 will not incur additional costs for tenants, and the speed of the Internet connection will remain at least at the current level. 

The upgrade will not result in additional costs for residents, and the internet speed will remain at least at its current level. Due to this change, the terms of tenancy for Kortepohja Student Village, Soihtu Korttelikylä, and Soihtu Vehkakuja will be updated.

The update to the terms of tenancy will not affect the current tenants’ housing: living and tenancy will continue uninterrupted with Soihtu. The new terms are available on the Tenant Page and will also be sent to tenants by email during October. The new terms of tenancy will take effect on December 1, 2024.

As part of the change, the previous student network terms included in Soihtu’s tenancy agreements will be removed. The current network services will remain available to tenants until the new service is activated.

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