Student Village’s Yard Party tomorrow 15th of June – welcome!

Finally we can have some fun together and enjoy the summer. Join us tomorrow for Student Village’s Yard Party with live music, creative writing workshop, yard games, urban farming, sauna and a bouncy castle, of course!


15-16 Creative writing workshop

16-17 Student Village’s common cultivation box’s planting

18-19 Muuan Mies Duo playing in the Rentukka square (if the weather allows)

16-22 Bastu open doors (rental sauna in building B )

Sauna shifts:
16-18 WOMEN
18-20 MEN
20-22 UNISEX

Let’s still keep in mind the local instructions due to COVID-19. Remember to keep safe distance to other people, wash your hands and use a face mask while visiting indoor premises. Don’t come, if you’re feeling sick.


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, , , , / 24.7.2024

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