Soihtu maintains its own website’s accessibility statement and develops its online service to be more accessible. You can leave feedback about the accessibility of our site using the accessibility feedback form.
Accessibility statement
This accessibility statement applies to the service https://soihtu.fi and was updated on October 2nd, 2023.
The service is subject to the law on the provision of digital services as far as the apartment rentals are concerned, which requires that public online services must be accessible. Soihtu Asuminen’s apartment rental business and ARA-financed student apartments are owned by the Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä JYY.
We have assessed the accessibility of the soihtu.fi web service ourselves.
Services of other service providers
From the Soihtu.fi website, hyperlinks are used to direct you to the apartment search website, the apartment search form and the reservation application. Visma Tampuuri is responsible for the production of these applications. The electronic services offered by Tampuuri largely meet the AA level accessibility criteria required by law (WCAG 2.1), and according to the manufacturer, the site has no critical accessibility deficiencies. According to Visma Tampuuri, accessibility is taken into account in the development of all new features. Visma Tampuuri is responsible for its own accessibility, and accessibility feedback regarding these contents is recommended to be addressed directly to Visma Tampuuri.
Digital service accessibility status
Partially fulfills the accessibility requirements.
Inaccessible content
Not covered by legislation:
video or audio recordings that were published before 23 September 2020
- The website has embedded videos about the experiences of tenants and the development of Kortepohja Student Village, which were originally published before September 23, 2020.
The website is not yet fully compliant:
Noticeable: Missing subtitles
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: All videos embedded on the site, published after September 23, 2023, do not have subtitles.
Accessibility requirements that are not met:
- 1.2.2 Subtitles (recorded)
- 1.1.1 Non-Textual Content
Noticeable: Missing header layers
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: Some subpages of the site are missing the header level 2 header.
Accessibility requirements that are not met:
- 1.3.2 Order affecting meaning
- 1.3.1 Information and relationships
Noticeable: Too little contrast
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: The site has individual elements whose contrast does not meet accessibility requirements.
Accessibility requirements that are not met:
- 1.4.3 Contrast (minimum)
Manageable: The purpose of all links is not clear from the link text.
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: The site has links whose purpose is not directly clear from the link text.
Accessibility requirements that are not met:
- 2.4.4 Purpose of the link (in context)
Administered: Missing name tags
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: The site has individual elements, for example form fields, buttons and images, whose title tag does not describe the subject or the meaning of the element.
Accessibility requirements that are not met:
- 2.4.6 Titles and name tags
- 2.5.3 Name tag in the name
Did you notice a lack of accessibility in our digital service?
Let us know and we will do our best to correct the shortcoming.
With the online form
Supervising authority
If you notice accessibility problems on the site, first give feedback to us, i.e. the site administrator. The response may take 14 days.
If you are not satisfied with the answer you receive or if you do not receive an answer at all within two weeks, you can file a report with the Regional Administrative Office of Southern Finland (link opens in a new window). The page of the Regional Administrative Agency of Southern Finland explains exactly how to make a report and how the matter is handled.
Contact information of the supervisory authority
Regional Administrative Agency of Southern Finland
Accessibility control unit
phone number switch: 02 95 016 000
We are constantly working to improve accessibility
Soihtu is committed to accessibility and its improvement. We offer support to users for whom digital services are not accessible.
This website has been published
Accessibility feedback
You can use this form to send feedback about the accessibility of our site and the accessibility deficiencies you find. You can send the feedback anonymously, unless you want a response. Read JYY’s privacy policy (pdf document that opens in a new window) before filling out the form.